Sunday, November 18, 2007

Artstuffs 1

Hither is a picture or two which I randomly felt like uploading. And that was exceptionally awkward grammar.

(Piggy...old picture)

(This is my buddy, Raphael the Sea Monster. He is awesome)

(I don't know who this is??? Random and slightly Austenish looking character?)


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Haha...yeah, I know...

No, I haven't been doing anything with this...Oh well, all in good (or bad, quite frankly) time.

However, I have been doing a lot of looking at (and yearning for) certain art supplies from All very large, very high-quality, and very expensive items that I will probably never have. Unless, of course, some long-lost aunt or uncle meets me, rewrites their will to leave all their possessions in my hands, and suddenly dies. Or if I become rich and famous. Both possibilities are very...impossible.

If you want to look at some other people's art (particularly webcomics), I've posted some links

, if you want to check them out. It's all very modernish/occasionally animeish art, but the artists are quite amazing and wonderful and creative. And they actually post...unlike some, unnamed people...person...


Thursday, August 30, 2007

T.A.D.P.O.L.E. now in commission! I have created "The Art Dump Place of Lovely Entries", or T.A.D.P.O.L.E. (buahaha...yes, I was bored) for the sake of any sort of artsy thing I wanted to post. So...voila! More Lovely Entries shall be arriving soon.